I don't know about you, but I am glad 2011 is over and in the rear-view mirror. It has been a tumultuous year for my family and me, and I will try to capture a little bit of it in a short timeline.
My year started in San Diego as XO on USS TOPEKA. As most of you know, Jeannette and the kids stayed in Silverdale to let Melissa finish high school with her friends. It worked out but left me searching for things to do on my own. One of my first trips was to Death Valley National Park in January. I used a three day weekend to drive up, visit the park, and drive back. A couple of my favorite pictures are included below. Death Valley was awesome! I think the timeframe was a very tough target because Death Valley is not a forgiving place, especially in the summer months. Trust me - it is worth visiting, and you want to be there during the winter months.
Looking out on Death Valley from Artist's Drive. |
Looking out on Death Valley from Bad Water Basin. |
February found my family and I burying my brother at sea outside Long Beach harbor. It was a sobering weekend that I wish was not necessary. It still hurts.
One of my favorite trips while living in San Diego was up to Joshua Tree National Park. I rode my bike, drove my truck, and probably would have walked if that was the only way up there. I am a huge fan of our National Parks, in case you haven't noticed. There is one in your backyard no matter where you live for the most part. Joshua Tree is accesible year-round, although it does get a little warm in the summer months.
A Joshua Tree - the quintessential park marquee. |
Boulders, rock climbing, desert - Joshua Tree is Awesome! |
March also included a trip home for a few days, and marked the month when Melissa found out she was accepted to several schools. She selected the University of Washington, and we are now a family of Dawg lovers :)
Melissa is a Dawg! |
One of my favorite San Diego pictures - a beautiful sunrise. |
I deployed from April through July of this year, and visited Lima, Peru on a port call. I wish I could have spent more time there and have marked it as a place I would like to return to one day. One of the most remarkable things, in my opinion, was the amount of junk ships moored in the area around the harbor.
Junk ships moored near Lima, Peru. |
My return to San Diego was a reunion with my family. Jeannette and the kids drove down to San Diego and we stayed in a beach front condo for a couple of weeks. It was a very nice time that included visits to the beach, Sea World and a Padres game at Petco Park. I was in port for two weeks and then right back out at sea again.
Danny and Melissa at Petco Park for a Padres game. |
Danny and Melissa at the Midway Museum with San Diego skyline in the background. |
Melissa and Danny enjoying the beach at our rental condo. |
September finally signaled my move back home to Silverdale. Trust me when I say I could not have been happier to be home. I must admit that things have changed drastically at the Allen home since I left. We now have two kids away form home, and Danny is pretty self-sufficient and it is very quiet around the house these days. Since I came home, I have travelled out to central Washington to watch Danny run in a cross country meet, celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with the whole family, watch Stephanie graduate from college, moved Melissa off to college, and tried to get back into a routine of sorts.
Danny's cross country meet in Wenatchee. |
Fall colors in the Pacific Northwest (just down the street, in fact). |
Christmas lights at the Allen house. |
Our beautiful daughter - a college graduate! |
Merry Christmas! |
I, for one, cannot wait to see what 2012 will bring! Happy New Year!