Sunday, April 22, 2012

New Home Coming Together

Lot 32 - sold!

So the new house is coming together now. Our permit was approved last week and the builder already has the foundation poured and inspected. IT has been kind of fun seeing it go from raw dirt to this stage. Jeannette and I have spent some time going through the design stuff and adding our own touches to the plans. I think we will start seeing the framing begin this week. July 12th is the expected completion and closing date. We are holding our breath.

This is what an inspection approved foundation looks like :)
 I have taken advantage of the nice weather to go out exploring on my motorcycle. Yesterday was simply fantastic with sunny skies and temps in the low 70s. I invested in some decent riding gear because even when the temps are expected to climb into the 70s, the morning part of the ride can be very cool. Saturday was no exception. Layers and layers of clothing help, but the real savior is my heated grips and seat!

I have spent some time up on Mt Rainier, and have seen both sides of Mt St Helens, but getting a decent view of Mt Adams from the north is not easy. I rode down towards Portland Saturday morning to visit one of the dams on my list and was able to ride around the southern exposure of Mt Adams. I am constantly amazed by the dormant volcanoes here in the PNW, and they seemingly rise out of nothing to dominate the landscape. Views Saturday included My Adams (picture below), Mt Rainier, Mt St Helens and Mt Hood. On one stretch of road I could see three of the four at the same time. I want my retirement house in that spot!

Looking northwest towards Mt Adams on a sunny day.

After seeing Mt Adams, I finished my ride up to Mill Pond dam. It is nothing you will see on a map - in fact, most dams I visit on the Dam Tour are not big dams. The idea is to ride places off the beaten path. I have not rode in that area of Washington before and I thoroughly enjoyed the scenery and roads down there. The dam was a neat little run-off dam that forms a small pond with camp sites around it. The wind was calm and pictures came easy with no clouds in the sky.

Mill Pond dam on a calm day.