Well, another week down, another week closer to new employment. Things are slowly picking up steam on that front. I submitted my first resume and cover letter last week to an engineering firm for a job that I am not really qualified for. I am hoping to get some feedback in the interview process, assuming they call me back. I am hoping that my education as a Navy man will fill some holes that most people fill with more specific college degrees.
I am also attending a transition assistance class next week that will provide me valuable information about my benefits and also expose me to job hunting skills that I have not had to use in my entire life. There is a certain comfort level in being a career Navy person. The last job interview I had was for the dish washing job in high school. All I had to be able to demonstrate was the ability to lift a full garbage can up and into the dumpster. Check.
Not much else going on around here. Melissa had a concert last night at the high school. Stephanie is home on spring break this week and Danny and Melissa start theirs today.
Take care.