Friday, March 27, 2009

Dam Tour

Washington State Capital at Deschutes Dam

So, I am doing this little adventure called the "Dam Tour" this year. It is really not much more than another excuse to get out and go riding. The object is to ride to a collection of PNW dams in Oregon and Washington (with a couple of bonus dams in California and Montana) and take a picture of your placard and the dam together. There are 8 in Oregon and 8 in Washington. My goal this year is to visit all 8 in Wahsington and that should keep me busy for most of the year, I think.

Today I managed to ride down to Olympia and visited the Deschutes dam. It was cold, it was a little moist, but it wasn't work (I had a day off, what better way to spend it)! I hope spring warms up a bit pretty soon. The neat thing about the Deschutes dam is not it's size (I had trouble actually seeing it), but rather it's location with the Washington state capital building in the background. I have included the picture I submitted with this post.

Have a great day!

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