Sunday, August 6, 2017

On My Way to Colorado

I am headed out for a rally in Colorado this week. Travel plans are extensive and include Washington, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana...and maybe others. Should be a lot of fun. I have plans to visit several TOH sites along the way, but not until the second day since I have visited all of Washington and Idaho already.

You can follow along using this trip link here.

The app I am using does send a position update when there is no cell signal. It buffers them and sends as a batch when signal is regained. That's why it might look like I am time-warping :)

I have the ability to add custom text and pictures to custom messages, so take a look when you see them. I will try to send a few shots along the way.

More updates will follow as I make progress. The rally is Saturday and Sunday.

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