Saturday, January 30, 2016

Big Money Rally!

Wow, has it been that long? I guess I only post when there is some riding going on. And here we are, the New Year brings the next installment of Tim's crazy adventure in the form of the Big Money Rally.

Take a look at Big Money Rally 2016 here.

You can sort through any rider's submissions. I am rider number 051 if you care to look. If you ride a bike, it is not too late to sign up...

Started off the New Year in style (and brrrr) with friend, Bill Lynes. We took the craziness to a new level by meeting for pie at 11pm New Year's Eve and then migrated to the first bonus location at midnight. Driving through Tacoma at midnight on New Year's Eve - are those fireworks or just another night in the 'hood?

One of the interesting, and challenging, themes this year is a "Word of the Hour" category. Essentially, find a word match and ride to the bonus to take a picture within a one hour window on the prescribed day. The first bonus of the year was at midnight. Thus our pre-ride fueling with pie.

Our plans had us taking a multi-day ride down to the Oregon coast and back up on I-5 to the Gorge, then east for a bit before returning to I-5 for the ride home. Did I mention Brrrrr!?! One of the coldest snaps this year greeted us on New Year's morning. We took it easy, made slow progress and wound up in a hotel on the coast without issue. Day 2 found us continuing down the Oregon coast towards what we hoped was a safe, sensible crossing of the coastal mountain range to I-5.

I started checking the weather and found that a weather system promising snow and ice was moving north much faster than anticipated by our crack weather forecasters, so we changed plans, dropped the Gorge plan and pushed north into Washington. Our plan worked - we stayed ahead of the front and made it home safely. Our ride home on the final morning started at 21F!

My favorite category this year so far is one called "Paint the Town" - essentially a hunt for murals painted on buildings in small town America. There is a remarkable amount of art adorning buildings all over the country. I am looking forward to continuing the hunt.

Unfortunately, clear sunny days in January are also very cold days! Looking over Longview towards Mt St Helens.

Waves breaking on the Oregon coast.

A pair of FJRs.

Brief stop for a bonus at Foster Lake near sunset.

The Astoria Tower. Outstanding view on a clear day.

Last morning - Brrrr! And I saw 19F before it warmed up!

No, he didn't come. But he's too cute to not include. :)

Different ride - same weather.

I have to work to fund the addiction.

Even work leaves some time to explore.

A mural in Port Angeles, WA. How many have I driven past without realizing there was a piece of art present???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice read Tim!